I recall when I first started cooking with a dutch oven, there were lots of stews and more than a few burned cookies or biscuits. There were meals that have multiple parts, some of which were still on the fire and others had already cooled down and needed to be reheated. There were times I had so much charcoal leftover it could be used to start three or four campfires and other times that I had to relight coals in the middle just to get the meal done. Now this is not a complicated form of cooking, but there is definitely a learning curve. Over the years I’ve had the…
Welcome to the Coals…
There are lots of good ways to fix great food outdoors. One of our favorites is in camp dutch ovens. Whether it’s cooking for a couple or well over a hundred, as well as meals for groups of assorted sizes in between, we’ve done it. Uncle Mike’s Kitchen is not a place, but rather it’s wherever we set up camp, light up the coals, or stir up a dish. Information about upcoming demos, cooking classes, and catering can be found here over time as well as a recipe or two. Your questions, comments, and ideas are welcome. If you like what you see and would like notification of updates,…